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OCS Service Term


After CLM comes Service term which will last for another 6 weeks. 

Again, there are some key objectives to meet:

1. 5km and 7km runs

There will be 2 of each and the timings to meet are 31min and 42min respectively. For ladies, the timings are 38min and 52min. This may seem rather easy but wait till you go through the "stairway to heaven" multiple times throughout one run... All in all, do train up for it and be physically fit.


2. Stairs Climb

This will be done in FBO less weapon. Main idea is to train you up for the jungle navigation that will be up after the service term.


3. Road Marches (4km and 12km)

By this time, road march will be a walk in the park, just try to create a lively environment because the path you'll be taking are pretty boring.


4. Written Tests

Come on, lets face it, we won't be called Singaporeans if we're not taking tests... There will be 2 tests regarding RSAF organisation structure. Just pay attention during lectures (by snacking or by fearing the punishments haha)


5. Compass Couse and Navex

This is similar to the one done in CLM at rambutan hill and the NAVEX will be done at Mundai. NAVEX is a bit more challenging, lasting over 5 hours in a dense jungle. Trick is to follow the trail and not bash so much.


6. One day crash course for JOT

A quick lesson on how to build an A-Frame, trap and fireplace plus some hands on practice. Don't worry too much because the cadre at Brunei will go through it once more.


- Social Night

You will be surprised how quick time passes and soon you'll bid farewell to your friends on this special night where you let your hair down and have fun with your date and friends. Do try to find a date early, to give her enough time to prepare and also to allow yourself more time if you can't find one.

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