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SIA's Compass Test


The compass test is pretty similar with RSAF's but with a few differences here and there.

This time round I managed to write down the stages after the test so I can better share with you all regarding the tests.

Although there isn't a notice stating that we cannot share the information, I will simplify the examples so that I don't get into trouble if it is indeed prohibited.


1. Number Sequence

eg. 31, 30, 15, 14, 7, ...


2. Pattern (Dice dots and shape)







3. Wall and Ball

This is basically a game where there are 1 to 4 frames and within each frame, there is a ball and wall (either one can be moving or both).


The goal of this test is to press the number of the frame when the ball touches the wall. The tricky part is that the ball would sometimes disappear and you would have to estimate when the ball touches the wall.


4. Number Memory

A string of number starting with 4 up to 9 will flash for about 3 seconds.

Then a screen of weird letters and number will flash for another 3 seconds to distract you.

You would then have to key in the string of numbers from the first screen.


5. ATC game










For this stage, you're required to direct an aircraft to land by selecting the aircraft number and the checkpoints it would go through.


The picture depicts an over simplified one. The actual test consist of several aircrafts with differing speed so you would have to make your own judgement as to which aircraft should be given priority.


6. Range and Heading








This stage requires you to either find the range that the aircraft would travel or the heading it should turn to get to the destination.


eg. for this aircraft to get to A3, it would have to turn left heading 180. It would travel say 20NM if each division is 10NM.


7. Pedal runway

Pretty simple stage, you would correct the runway to the center by either stepping on the left or right rudder. Important thing is to read the instruction as to when you can correct the runway to the center.


8. Joystick tracking

A little tricky due to the sensitivity of the joystick. You are required to track a circular target through a pathway as closely as possible. Trick is to try to make small adjustments.


9. Multitasking

You would be introduced to a simplified cockpit where you would have to adjust items that are deviating from the standard.

I can draw the format out but I'm afraid that might be a little too detailed and compromise the test which would lead me into trouble. So instead, I would give a rough idea of what is inside this virtual cockpit.


Speedometer- correct it when it goes higher or lower

Altimeter- correct it when it goes higher or lower

Horizontal indicator- correct it when the aircraft bank towards one side

"Heading indicator"- correct it when the target marker is not at the center

Fuel gauge- alert when fuel reaches critical limit

Window outside view- press corresponding window number when something appears in the window 



That's about all I gathered from my compass test with SIA. Hopefully it is able to give you a rough idea although much more simplified. Result of the test can be released on the same day to you so be excited for good news!

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