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Photorefractive Keratectomy

Perfect Vision? That's what we all want after feeling cool in our spectacles long enough.


Not all of you will get this benefit, if your degree is low, they will issue you an aviators instead of sending you for this surgery. 


What we do here is pretty simple, just go in, lie down and let the doctor do his work. He'll rotate the bed till you're under the laser machine and from there it gets a little uncomfortable although your task is pretty simple, to look at the green light. The doctor will keep your eye opened by inserting a metal equipment into your eye and then he'll prepare your eye by washing it and scraping (I think its your cornea) away. Its actually pretty cool cause the laser machine will charge up with a sound like those you hear in movies and you'll see the red light beaming at you before your vision turn white completely and the smell of burnt meat doesn't make you feel any more comfortable :P


You are free to go home after the doctor put on a pair of contact lens to help your eyes heal and depending on your luck, your eyes might or might not hurt after the anesthetic wears off. Personally, my right eye was fine though my left eye hurts a little.


3 days later you will have to head back to remove the contacts and your eyesight will gradually improve as your eye heals. 


Don't forget to prepare a cool pair of sunglasses! Aviators for aviator hah

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