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Ground School


This is the final stage before you get to fly once again. In ground school, there are a total of 9 tests and the passing grade is 75%, Its easier than you expect and having some aeronautical background surely helps. It depends on your discipline to listen in class and study after lesson back at bunk. (yes, it is a stay in period)


Topics covered are fundamental things for flight. Meteorology, airframe, engine, navigation and so on... The last 2 tests will focus on PC-21 which will be the plane we fly in Pearce, 130squadron. I would say that these 2 tests are the hardest to pass because the stuff tested are very specific to the aircraft. The 9 tests will be carried out in the first 7 weeks (I heard that it's being shorten with every passing batch).


The next 5 weeks will be used for G-Force Endurance Training (GFET). There will be 3 practice run with a final test at the end. The profiles of each test are well paced and not a huge jump from the previous one. In general, you will go through gradual to 8G, rapid 6G, yoyo(5-6-5-6-7) and rapid 8G. During your Ground school period, there will be PT to train up your stamina, especially your legs and abs which are required to squeeze the blood back up your brain. Yes there will be G-suits to help you in that extra squeeze you might need but your fighting spirit is important as well. Before total loss of consciousness (GLOC), you will have some visual symptoms like greying out but this isn't a sign for you to release the trigger, it is a sign for you to squeeze harder and show what you're made of.  If I, a skinny 1.8m fellow can do this, you can surely do it.


Other than all these tests, there are some fun during these 3 months. You will get to go through altitude chamber to see what lack of oxygen does to our brain, spatial disorientation and there are more medicals as well.


Just have fun during this period and prepare smart for what is to come!

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