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All the medicals are stages where you can't prepare for so just relax and pray that you're fit for flight. This will be your first but definitely not your last medical check up but for convenience' sake I'll put it all under here.


  • Blood and urine test

Alright, this one is the one you do normally, fill a tube with urine, 2 tubes with blood, nothing much so lets press.


  • Eyesight test

The normal thing you do in an optical shop as well as asking you to read the color blindness cards. One extra test is the 3D station where you're asked to put on a pair of glasses and state which object is "popping out".


  • Hearing test

This one is pretty tricky, you go into a chamber and put on headphones and they'll play different frequencies and you are to raise your hand if you hear it. The thing is that its so quiet that you will imagine you're hearing something!


  • Body measurements

Height and weight, length of your arms and how far you can stretch etc.


  • Electrocardiography (ECG) or Elektrokardiogramm (EKG)

They'll put suction pads on your chest to test your heart if its healthy.


  • X-ray

Standard X-ray but their "passing" mark is raised of course. Here they're looking if there is any excessive curvature in your spine.


  • Ear pressure regulating

Pinch your nose and blow, if your ears goes "pop", you're good to go.

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