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Jungle Orientation Training


Probably the thing that most of us dread going through, having to go back to the jungle and mud.


You will spend a total of 10 days in Brunei, the camp there is surprisingly nice and the food is a change to what you usually have in Singapore. Of the 10 days there, we are only going to stay in the jungly for 4 days 3nights.


First 4 days will be spent preparing our equipment and learning how to build the structures required, how to kill the quail and other animals as well as identifying edible plants. During this time, you might see other infantry guys there as well and you will know how nice we are being treated as compared to them.


The 4 days of outfield will kick start with a round of navigation from around 7am to past noon. There after, you will be inserted to the campsite (3 person to one site). To get a better understanding, youtube cyberpineer and see how Jungle Confidence Couse is like. Some luck will go a long way, whether you get stuck in a dry or wet campsite haha


Although our JOT is much easier as compared to JCC, by the fourth day, we will want to get out. This is even more so if every night is accompanied by rain. So on the fourth day, you will be assessed based on your structures and then be taken back to camp.


Last 2 days are used to return store items and a NE tour of Brunei and off we go back to Singapore!

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