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Officer Cadet School


Its back to the stinky field pack, ILBV, road marches and "infantry" feel. Just that you're a higly paid soldier now and you have a clear goal to work towards. 


First day of reporting is the usual admin work and house warming into airwing where you will be with people from land, air and sea for the Common Leadership Module (CLM) period. Get to know them as having friends in other vocations will always benefit you.


For the CLM period, it's a pretty smooth journey but there are a few objectives you need to meet.

1. Confidence Pool Jump

Jumping from a 5metres platform may seem easy from below but it's actually quite high when you're standing at the top. Everyone will be following the person in front so just step out without looking down. Do note that the free fall time feels slightly longer than you'll expect it to be.



Seeing that you managed to get into OCS, this shouldn't be a problem for you to attain a pass grade by the end of CLM (2weeks)


3.  Navigation Exercise

A simple navigation through a small "jungle" inside SAFTI. Pretty easy, point the compass, walk, check compass, walk and you'll finish it in no time.


Some other stuff that you'll get to do but are not key objectives:

-Tower Climb

This is done either before or after the pool jump and at the top, you'll find out why you are doing what you are doing :D


-Chemical Defense

A course to teach us how to use the chemical suit and at the end of the course, we will go through a gas chamber where you will do a few basic exercises and walk out after removing your mask. It's a once in a life time experience so why not take a breath while you're walking out? 

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