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The Meeting

Alright, so I did panic a little here. The stories being told were all so frightening, some say that you have to memorize the different aircrafts, history, aims and goals of RSAF for the interview so do read up the information which can be found on the RSAF website.You will enter a room with 4-5 personnel which usually comprises a Brigadier General, some high ranking officer and 2 psychologists, They will ask some general questions like an introduction, why do you want to be a pilot, etc. Remember that I asked that you do not put Singapore Airlines during your Compass Test questionaire? This is the part that they'll use it against you. They'll ask why don't you consider other career in the RSAF and poke you cause most of the old personnels have something against people wanting to go to the commercial world.At the end of the day, just be yourself and speak with conviction. Don't try to pull any stunts as I heard of one person who went in and when being questioned why is he there, he replied "I'm here to impress you Sir" and he was given 1 minute to "impress" them which caught him off guard and he failed to do.


Let me explain this to the fullest of my understanding.Yes the bond is 10 years but do understand that it excludes your training phase; it starts only after you attain your wings.So a rough training schedule is as follow:

  • Air grading couse (2 months)
  • OCS (3 months)
  • Ground School (3 months)
  • Basic Wing Couse (9-12 months)
  • Advance Wing Course (6-12 months)

There is bound to be waiting time so add a few months to play safe.

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